Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Forest Hill Library Writers celebrate the opening of Forest Hill Pools 22nd September 2012

Forest Hill Library Writers Workshop  "were invited to contribute in the library to the opening celebrations for the new Pools with a reading session of our work. This anthology, which is for our enjoyment, has been printed on the Lewisham blog.”

Go to the page - Forest Hill Library Writers

The contributors were -

Rebecca Milligan, Lloyd Paige, Maggie Smith and Alan Wallace. Sheila Cornelius also participated but has entered her story in a competition so it may not be published here.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Will Patrons of Forest Hill Swimming Pool Kindly

Dive into the lemonade bubbles,
swim like a tiger fish, a dolphin, a shark;
flip your mermaid’s tail.

Play waterpat with a stripy white, green and orange ball,
learn how to do backstroke in the deep end,
scud with your hands and legs on your back.

Play Olympics in the pool,
race from side to side with your brothers,
when you’re a shark catch your Mum underwater,
dunk your Dad.

Try not to be too sad to come out of the pool,
have a coffee, some cheesecake,
egg mayonnaise sandwiches,
drink Green Tea.

From a workshop 22nd September 2012 in Forest Hill Library on the day the new Forest Hill Pools opened.

Written with Sarah, Lizzie, Ethan, Joel, Lizzie, Maya (if I remember correctly. They were one family and had just come back from Cyprus) and Chrissie Gittins

James Bush's certificate

The re-opening of Forest Hill Pools sparked many memories. Mr James Bush brought in the certificate he was awarded for swimming 1 width at the Pools and kindly allowed us to photograph it.

It was awarded by the Swimming Teachers' Association on 16th February 1973 for swimming one width in the approved style.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Forest Hill Pools - memories

The new pools opened on Saturday 22nd September with a celebration. A memory wall was available in the foyer and people were asked to post their comments and memories. These are being posted on this blog on the 'What do Forest Hill Pools mean to you?' page.

Read them and add your own

Friday, 14 September 2012

Forest Hill celebrates

On Saturday 22nd September, Forest Hill celebrates the official opening of Forest Hill Pools with a day long feast of entertainment, activities and fun throughout the area.

Forest Hill Pools will be one of the main focus areas with taster sessions, tours of the new facility, exhibitions and more. But don't miss the Victorian theme in Forest Hill Library with story telling sessions, the chance to record your memories of Forest Hill in days gone by and some creative writing opportunities. There's fun for the whole family with Wii gaming in the library, entertainers throughout the day, traditional Victorian board games and free Victorian sweets.

You can find details of all the events and activities on the Lewisham Council website 

Friday, 25 May 2012

Forest Hill Pools reopen July 2012

From the Lewisham Council website:
Work to redevelop Forest Hill Pools is well underway and on target for completion in summer 2012.
The new facility will incorporate the former Victorian frontage, and will feature two swimming pools, a café and seating area, a health and fitness suite, two studios, a community room and exhibition space.